master dribbling with speed

Soccer is a fast-paced game that requires players to move quickly on the field. One of the most important skills for controlling the tempo of a match is being able to dribble with speed. Dribbling with pace allows you to blow past defenders, create scoring chances, and change the direction of an attack in an instant. Mastering the technique of dribbling with speed can be the difference between an average player and an exceptional one. 

You’ll learn proper form, footwork, and drills to dramatically improve your dribbling speed here. With consistent practice of these methods, you’ll gain the ball control and acceleration to dominate on the pitch.

Proper Body Positioning Sets the Foundation

The foundation of fast dribbling begins with proper body positioning. Having the right posture while moving with the ball allows optimal acceleration and control. Here are three key tips:

  • Keep a slight bend in your knees: Maintaining a slight bend versus locking your knees permits more agile movement in all directions.
  • Be on your toes: Being on the balls of your feet puts you in a ready position to spring forward as compared to being flat-footed.
  • Lean your chest slightly forward: Leaning forward shifts your center of gravity to drive momentum in the direction you want to go.

By adopting this stance, your body mimics how you would run freely without the ball to gain speed. With these posture tips, you can achieve the same blazing acceleration with the ball at your feet. The positioning allows you to push the ball fluidly in whatever attacking direction you choose.

Practice dribbling around cones while focusing on keeping your knees bent, getting up on your toes, and leaning your chest forward. Concentrate on maintaining proper form, then increase your speed while keeping control of the ball. Developing these mechanical skills forms the foundation for achieving dribbling speed.

Inside and Outside Foot Control Boosts Pace

Once you have the basics of posture down, the next step is mastering control with the inside and outside of your feet. Using the soft inside and outside parts of your feet keeps the ball closer and prevents it from getting away from you. This allows you to dribble faster while maintaining close control.

The inside of your foot near the big toe provides excellent traction on the ball for changes of direction. Pushing the ball with quick touches on the inside permits sharp cuts to beat defenders.

Using the outside edge of your foot near the pinky toe also gives a great feel on the ball. The outer edge adds another angle of contact to vary your attack.

Practice dribbling a ball rapidly using just the inside and outside of your feet. Set up a series of cones as obstacles to dribble through, focusing on keeping the ball close with soft touches on the inner and outer feet. Perform the drill at increasing speeds while maintaining control.

Working on mastery of inside and outside footwork will give you the skills to shift the ball quickly for fast pacing. The soft-touch enhances your ability to change direction rapidly without losing control.

mbampe dribbling with speed

Keep the Ball Rolling Flat for Optimal Speed

Another key tip for maximizing your dribbling speed is keeping the ball rolling flat on the ground. You want to strike the middle of the ball with your laces to keep it rolling smoothly. 

Hitting too high on the ball will cause it to pop up and bounce. This takes away control and slows down your pace. Striking too low will get the ball caught under your foot and lead to trips or loss of possession.

Practice your lace passes, focusing on clean contact in the middle of the ball. Start slowly, then increase your speed. The goal is to keep the ball rolling flat to reach top speed.

As you get more comfortable, try dribbling sprints of increasing length. Concentrate on keeping the ball low using the middle of your foot. Push the ball forcefully into the open space in front of you.

Maintaining a flat ball trajectory allows you to open up your acceleration. By keeping the ball firmly on the ground, you can push it farther and achieve top speed. This technique is essential for burning defenders.

Work on making solid contact in the center of the ball and keeping it low. This mastery of rolling the ball will pay dividends in your dribbling pace.

Accelerate Through Your Steps for Momentum 

To reach max velocity with the ball, you need to accelerate through each step. The key is to push off the back foot as the front foot makes contact with the ball. This creates a continuous, driving motion that builds momentum.

Many players make the mistake of taking a touch on the ball to control it, then accelerating after. This pause between contacts slows you down. 

Instead, time your footwork so that as your front foot pushes the ball forward, your back foot springs off the ground. It’s one fluid sequence, not two separate motions.

Practice this rhythm of constantly accelerating as you dribble. Pick up speed gradually while linking each touch together with a strong push off the back foot. 

Once you get the hang of this motion, try dribbling sprints focusing on continuous acceleration. Time your steps so that you’re constantly springing forward as you make contact with the ball.

This tip helps you turn dribbling into a forceful, driving motion. By accelerating through each step, you maintain momentum and reach top speed with the ball. Master this footwork sequence and defenders will have trouble keeping up.

sane dribbling with speed

Scan the Field Frequently

As you work on increasing your dribbling speed, it’s important to periodically scan the field. While it’s tempting to stare at the ball when moving at high speeds, you need to lift your head frequently. 

Looking around the field allows you to process vital information to adapt your dribbling. You can spot open teammates to pass to, spaces to attack, and oncoming defenders.

Make it a habit to glance up from the ball every 2-3 touches as you dribble. Quickly scan around you for a second then look back down. This brief view will allow you to take in important details.

Over time, develop the ability to scan more frequently, even every touch if possible. This ability to process the field will complement your speed and make you a nightmare for defenses.

Incorporate scanning into your dribbling drills. Add cues for when to look up or have a partner hold up numbers of fingers to read as you dribble. Reaction speed is key.

Scanning benefits your dribbling by giving you direction and purpose. Blazing speed combined with field vision gives you an unstoppable attacking advantage.

Sample Dribbling With Speed Drills  

Now that you understand the core components of the fast dribbling technique, let’s look at some drills to practice. Incorporating these exercises into your training regimen will help develop control and pace.

Cone Zig-Zag

Set up a series of cones in a zig-zag pattern. Dribble through the path of cones as quickly as possible while maintaining control. Focus on proper posture, using inside/outside of feet, and accelerating through touches.

Dribbling Circle Drills 

Mark a circular path using cones. Dribble around the path, gradually gaining speed each lap. Concentrate on form and keeping the ball close to your feet. Try dribbling the circle in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.

Dribbling Sprints

Set up start and end points 20-30 yards apart. Sprint dribbles between the points, focusing on exploding out of cuts and maintaining top speed. Use cones as obstacles to practice changes of direction at pace. Time yourself to quantify improvements.

Vary the drills by adding defenders, restrictions, and multi-tasking elements. Perform the exercises for 10-15 minutes multiple times per week. Mastering these drills will translate to game success.

Watch: Players Sprint Speed with ball

Work on Ball Mastery and Fitness

Achieving top dribbling speed requires building foundational skills over time. Two key areas to focus on are ball mastery and fitness.

Dedicate time each practice to drills that develop close ball control and comfort dribbling. Juggling, moving the ball between cones, and dribbling games force you to constantly adjust to the ball. Mastering these basics gives you the platform to then accelerate.

Fitness is also essential for maintaining speed with the ball. High-intensity running with changes of direction improves stamina. Plyometrics build explosive power in your legs for those bursts past defenders. As fitness increases, your top-end dribbling speed will as well.

Patience and consistency are required when improving the dribbling pace. Work on ball manipulation and fitness daily through drills and scrimmages. Gradually increase difficulty and speed as skills progress.

With a diligent training approach, your technical ability and physical capacity will reach the level needed for blazing speed with the ball at your feet.

Bernardo dribbling with speed

Get the Right Gear to Enhance Your Speed

Having the proper equipment can give you an edge when dribbling at high speeds. The right shoes, ball, and other gear help optimize quickness and control.

  • Shoes: Prioritize lightness, traction, and responsiveness when choosing cleats for pace. Synthetic leather uppers are lighter than kangaroo leather. Opt for molded studs or blades for grip when accelerating and changing direction.
  • Balls: Match balls have a sleeker exterior and hold air better for a true roll and flight. Start with a size 4 ball for better control before moving up to a size 5 game ball. 
  • Other Gear: Tight-fitting clothing reduces drag from flapping fabrics. Ankle braces provide support for sharp cuts. Knee sleeves add compression to keep muscles warm when sprinting.

While gear doesn’t replace skill, the right equipment enhances your speed capabilities. Always buy from reputable brands and test products to determine what works best for your game.

Walker dribbling with speed

Integrate Speed Dribbling Into Training Sessions

To fully implement your fast dribbling skills, integrate speed drills into your regular training sessions. Warm up with dynamic dribbling movements to activate your nervous system and feet. 

Incorporate sprints with the ball into passing patterns and combination plays. Add a speed element to shooting drills by dribbling at pace before the final shot.

Scrimmages present opportunities to try changes of pace and direction against defenders. Keep training game-like by practicing your new techniques in live scenarios.

Blending speed dribbling into your existing practice structure cements the skills. Drilling techniques in isolation are useful initially but integrating the abilities into holistic training provides real-world repetition.

Be Patient and Consistent for Gradual Improvement 

Lastly, be patient with yourself throughout the speed dribbling improvement process. Developing pace and control takes significant time and repetition. Stick with the training drills consistently, focusing on progressive gains.

Avoid frustration by setting realistic goals for each practice: improve a certain technique, beat your sprint time, and execute a move correctly in a certain percentage of attempts. Celebrate small wins and stay motivated for the long-term skill-building process.

With an incremental mindset and determination, your dribbling speed will reach new heights. Follow these tips and advanced footwork drills to leave defenders in the dust consistently!


Dribbling with speed is an essential ability for dominating soccer matches. By mastering proper technique and drills, you can blow by defenders and control the tempo.

The foundation starts with proper posture – knees bent, on your toes, chest forward. Sharp inside and outside footwork keeps the ball close to rapidly changing direction. Striking the center of the ball ensures a smooth roll for optimal speed.  

Accelerating through each step maintains momentum. Scanning the field provides information to adapt your attack. Executing specific pace drills develops control and quickness.

Read More: Master Dribbling in Tight Spaces: Drills to Improve Close Ball Control



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