advance soccer dribbling drills

Soccer is a game of technique, speed, and skill. To reach the highest levels of the sport, players must master the art of dribbling. Having advanced dribbling abilities allows you to glide past defenders, maintain possession, and create goal-scoring opportunities. 

But what are some of the best drills to take your dribbling to the next level? In this article, we will break down 3 advanced soccer dribbling drills to rapidly improve your ball control, footwork, and overall technique. Whether you want to beat defenders with ease or weave through congested spaces, these intense drills will elevate your skills. With consistent practice, they will make dribbling second nature and turn you into a dangerous offensive weapon.


Why Advanced Dribbling Skills are Critical for Soccer Players

Superior dribbling skills provide some important benefits on the soccer pitch:

  • Better ball control and touch to maintain possession: The essence of skilled dribbling is keeping the ball as close to your feet as possible. Advanced drills enhance your close control, allowing you to dribble through traffic without coughing up the ball.
  • Beat defenders easier in 1v1 situations: Nothing is more exciting than breezing past a defender using quick footwork and clever maneuvers. Elite dribbling lets you freeze defenders or fake them out to create space for shots or passes.
  • Weave through congested spaces and tight defenses: Congested midfield areas require razor-sharp cuts, quick acceleration, and fancy footwork to penetrate. Advanced drills prepare you to slalom through compact defenses. 
  • React quicker to loose balls and openings: You often have to react in the blink of an eye to pounce on loose balls or openings in the defense. Lightning-fast reflexes and instinctive dribbling skills allow you to capitalize on opportunities.

Simply put, advanced dribbling is a prerequisite for succeeding in the fast-paced, modern game of soccer. It’s an essential technique that unlocks your full potential on the pitch. The drills we’ll cover will help you master this critical skill.

Overview of the 3 Essential Advanced Dribbling Drills

To truly excel at dribbling, you need to practice a diverse combination of drills. The following 3 drills target the core dribbling skills that elite players possess:  

  • Drill #1: The Explosive 1v1 Move
  • Drill #2: Zigzag Dribbling Through Cones
  • Drill #3: One-Touch Beating Defenders

Each drill focuses on a different aspect of advanced dribbling technique. Together, they will improve your acceleration, footwork, ball control, and ability to unbalance defenders. Let’s break down the details of each drill:

Drill #1 – The Explosive 1v1 Move

Training 1v1 with a cone

Credit: Unisport YouTube.

This drill mimics beating a defender in a 1v1 isolation situation out on the wing. Here’s how it works:

  • Approach a cone at about 80% of your maximum speed while maintaining close control of the ball
  • As you reach the cone, perform a feint, stepover, or other tricky maneuver  
  • Explode past the cone at full speed, leaving it in your dust

The keys are starting your approach at a controlled pace, then utterly exploding past the cone using your top gear. This matches real-game scenarios where you knock the ball past a defender and accelerate into open space.

Benefits of the drill:

  • Practices exploding past a defender in isolation  
  • Develops your ability to change pace and accelerate
  • Mimics beating a defender 1v1 on the wing or in a wide area

Repeat the drill going both left and right, adding different feints and maneuvers. Vary your starting speed to challenge yourself. This drill will soon have you breezing past defenders!

Drill #2 – Zigzag Dribbling Through Cones

zig zag cone training

  Credit: Unisport YouTube.

This intense drill improves your close control and decision-making when navigating through congested spaces on the pitch. 

Set up a zigzag pattern of cones, poles, or obstacles with 1-2 yards spacing between them. Start with the ball and weave through the zigzag at speed, making sharp cuts and turns around each cone. Keep the ball very close using small, rapid touches. 

Benefits of the drill:

  • Challenges your ability to change direction while maintaining close control
  • Develop your vision and decision-making to see openings to dribble through
  • Prepares you to slice through packed defenses by improvising dribbling angles 

Make sure to perform the drill at a match pace and intensity. Go through the zigzag pattern multiple times, emphasizing proper technique and ball closeness. Increase difficulty by tightening space between cones, adding more cones, or incorporating defenders. This drill will give you the toolkit to slalom through any defense!

Drill #3 – One-Touch Beating Defenders


Credit: Unisport YouTube.

This drill improves your ability to beat defenders in tight spaces using quick reflexes and clever touches. 

Set up a cone or have a teammate act as a defender. Receive a rolling or bouncing ball in front of the cone so that you and the cone are closing in on the ball simultaneously. In one or two touches, beat the cone using a creative move like:

  • Croqueta 
  • Nutmeg
  • Chip over foot
  • Quick open-close legs maneuver
  • Letting it run through and collecting it on the other side

The key is reacting quickly to the ball, then beating the cone/defender with your first few touches using improvisation. 

Benefits of the drill:

  • Enhances your reflexes and reaction time
  • Teaches different ways to beat defenders in tight spots  
  • Improves your Adjustment, flexibility, and touch

Vary the angle, speed, and spin on the incoming ball to keep you sharp. Beat the cone on both your left and right. Mastering these quick 1-2 touch beats will make you lethal in crowded areas!

Performing Advanced Dribbling Drills Effectively

To get the most out of these advanced drills, keep these tips in mind:

  • Execute the drills at match intensity and speed – Take them seriously and dribble dynamically.
  • Practice on both feet – Dribbling well with both feet makes you impossible to predict.
  • Increase difficulty over time – Tighten spaces, incorporate defenders, and add obstacles.
  • Emphasize proper technique – Don’t sacrifice form or ball control as you go faster. 
  • Integrate drills into full sessions – Do them alongside passing, shooting, and positioning drills.
  • Allow for active rest – Take 1-2 minute breaks between intense bursts to recover.
  • Focus on completed repetitions – Quality over quantity. Reset after mistakes.
  • Review a video of yourself – Compare your technique to pro dribblers.

Mastering advanced dribbling requires concentrated effort. Implement these tips to ingrain flawless technique and take your skills to the next level.

Additional Tips for Improving Dribbling Skills

Beyond the core drills we outlined, there are additional ways to refine your dribbling:

  • Practice drills with actual defenders – Live opponents add reality and unpredictability.
  • Watch footage of elite dribblers – Study their technique and absorb tricks and feints.
  • Focus on upper body strength and core – Dribbling requires balance and strength.
  • Master foundational dribbling first – Walk before you run. Nail down basics. 
  • Dribble everywhere – Take a ball with you and dribble around the house, yard, etc. 
  • Play small-sided games – Less space and players force more dribbling.
  • Analyze your tendencies – Identify strengths and weaknesses to focus on training.
  • Purchase a quality ball – A ball that rolls and bounces truly helps refinement.

Great dribblers continually work to expand their skills. Applying these tips will help you join their ranks.

Achieve Soccer Star Status with Superior Dribbling Technique  

Dribbling is an essential part of soccer magic. Players like Messi, Neymar, and Hazard who can Confuse defenders with the ball at their feet bring fans to their feet. While it takes thousands of hours of practice to reach an elite level, implementing the advanced drills in this article will put you firmly on that path.

With the Explosive 1v1 Move, you’ll develop the acceleration and footwork to breeze past defenders. The Zigzag Dribbling drill will enable you to penetrate even the most compact defenses. And the One-Touch Beating Defenders drill will make you lethal in tight spaces around the box.  

Together, these 3 intense drills hit every facet of advanced dribbling technique. Practice them regularly with quality repetition and proper mechanics to etch them into your muscle memory. Be patient through plateaus. Videotape your progress. 

The reward will be first-class dribbling skills that unlock your full potential on the pitch. Defenders will quake at the sight of your approach. Combining your dribbling abilities with smart passing, clinical finishing, and tactical awareness will complete your progression into a soccer superstar.

The journey begins here. Embrace the grind and let the drills in this guide carry you to the highest echelons of the beautiful game!

Read More: Progressive Drills to Drastically Improve Your Soccer Dribbling Skills

Reference Video/Pictures:

Credit: Unisport YouTube.


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