master midfielders dribbling drills

Controlling the ball and beating defenders 1v1 is critical for midfielders. Dribbling opens up space in crowded areas of the pitch and helps unlock defenses. Mastering a few go-to moves can take your midfield play to the next level.  

In this guide, you’ll learn 5 must-have dribbling techniques for central, attacking, and wide midfielders. Use these skills in matches to improve your ability to retain possession, escape pressure, and creatively move the ball upfield.

Skill 1: La Croqueta – The Foundation of Close Ball Control

La Croqueta skills

The La Croqueta is a foundational dribbling technique every midfielder should have in their toolkit. It involves smoothly transferring the ball from one foot to the other using just the inside of your feet. 

By quickly moving the ball side to side, you can shift your body weight and torque to change directions on a dime. This is extremely useful for maintaining close control and wriggling out of tight spaces when under pressure.

Here are a few key tips to perform the La Croqueta correctly:

  • Transfer the ball with your inside foot, not by tapping or nudging
  • Keep contact with the ball across your body until the completion of the move
  • Push the ball from foot to foot with force to generate momentum
  • Accelerate off the second touch by planting your back foot 

Practicing the La Croqueta develops close ball control and comfort by manipulating the ball in tight spaces. Work on the move at slower speeds focusing on correct technique. Then increase the pace and integrate it into dynamic drills.

Some useful La Croqueta training exercises include:

  • Zig-zag dribbling through cones only using La Croquetas
  • 2-player shadow play – reacting to partner’s movements with La Croquetas  
  • Dribbling across a grid doing rapid-fire La Croquetas at each cone

Mastering the art of the La Croqueta provides a deadly weapon to escape pressure. It’s a foundational skill midfielders use to retain possession in crowded areas of the pitch.

Skill 2: Master the V-Cut to Escape Pressure

the V-Cut skills

The V-Cut is another essential dribbling skill for midfielders to have in their locker. It involves faking one direction to bait the defender, then using a sharp cut to explode in the opposite direction.

This move is extremely effective to use when a defender is tightly marking you in midfield. The quick change of direction can earn that split second of space needed to turn upfield or distribute the ball.

Here are some key coaching points for properly executing the V-Cut:

  • Sell the fake by turning hips and shoulders one way 
  • Keep the ball close with the sole of your foot during the cut behind the standing leg
  • Stay low during the pivot and push off the back foot to accelerate 
  • Exit cut at a 45-degree angle to burst away

The V-Cut requires coordination and timing. Don’t rush the movements or you may lose control. Start slow and focus on sticking the cut and pivot. Once it feels natural, pick up the speed.

Great drills to sharpen your V-Cut include:

  • Set up stationary mannequins to sell the fake and cut away
  • Mirror cutting with a partner, taking turns as attacker and defender
  • Dribble down the wing V-cutting around a series of cones

With practice, the V-Cut becomes a go-to move to escape pressure and break free from defenders. Mastering it provides a major boost to your ability to relieve pressure as a midfielder.

Skill 3: Use the Scoop Turn to Disrupt Defenders

the Scoop Turn skills

The Scoop Turn is a crafty dribbling skill perfect for unlocking defenses as a midfielder. It involves faking a pass or movement in one direction and then using a scooping motion to exit in the opposite direction.

This completely disrupts defenders as they commit their momentum in the wrong direction. When done correctly, the Scoop Turn allows you to suddenly change the angle of attack and accelerate into open space.

Here are some tips for properly performing this tricky technique:

  • Sell the fake by turning hips and looking one way
  • Keep the ball close to the plant foot during the scooping motion 
  • Push the ball slightly forward before scooping to sell the fake
  • Accelerate out of the turn – don’t allow the defender time to recover

Start by practicing the Scoop Turn slowly. Get comfortable with the coordinated scooping footwork required. Once it feels natural, work on selling the fake and exploding out of the move. 

Great training exercises for the Scoop Turn include:

  • Place cones in a zig-zag pattern to scoop-turn at each one
  • Shadow play with a partner, reacting to their movements with scoop turns
  • Small-sided games requiring a certain number of scoop turns

The Scoop Turn is full of deception and creativity. Unlocking this technique provides midfielders with a deadly weapon to disrupt defenses and create scoring opportunities.

Skill 4: L-Drag to V-Cut Combo Move

L-Drag to V-Cut skills

Combining dribbling moves can make your midfield play even more unpredictable and effective. The L-Drag to V-Cut combo couples two slick skills together seamlessly.

The L-Drag involves gently pulling the ball behind your standing leg, then accelerating off in the opposite direction. This shift of momentum sets up the V-Cut perfectly.

Here are some pointers for linking the L-Drag and V-Cut:

  • Perform L-Drag close to the body to keep the ball under control
  • Time weight transfer onto cutting foot during V-Cut pivot  
  • Head up during combo to read defender and space
  • Explode out of V-Cut with dynamic first touch into space

Practicing the rhythmic steps between the L-Drag and V-Cut is key. Get the footwork down at a slow pace focusing on coordination. Then build up speed and power.

Great ways to drill the L-Drag to V-Cut include: 

  • Step-over cones doing L-Drag and V-Cut around each
  • Mirroring with a partner, reacting to their movements with the combo
  • Incorporate it into possession games requiring a certain number of combo moves

The creativity and deception of combining an L-Drag with a V-Cut can take your midfield dribbling to the next level. Putting in the reps to master this combo is time well spent.

Skill 5: Inside Foot Chops Add Creativity

Inside Foot Chops skills

The Inside Foot Chop is a fun dribbling move that adds flair and unpredictability to your midfield play. It involves quickly chopping the ball back and forth using the insides of your feet.

Executed properly, this move can freeze defenders in their tracks. The rapid changes in direction keep them guessing the next cut.

Here are some key pointers for crisp Inside Foot Chops:

  • Keep the ball close and controlling with inside foot surfaces 
  • Distribute weight during chops ready to explode out
  • Maintain speed and rhythm when chopping  
  • Accelerate out of the final chop into space

Start slowly focusing on the correct inside foot technique for solid contact. Once comfortable, pick up the pace and work on selling the fakes. Vary the number of chops and final exit direction. 

Great ways to practice Inside Foot Chops:

  • Ladder drills chopping the ball in each box
  • 1v1 duels dribbling only with chops  
  • Possession games requiring a certain number of chops

Unleashing quick Inside Foot Chops injects unpredictability into your midfield play. Mastering this creative move keeps defenders guessing.


Dribbling skills are crucial for dominant midfield play. Mastering the moves we detailed opens up a whole new dimension to your game.

The La Croqueta, V-Cut, Scoop Turn, L-Drag to V-Cut, and Inside Foot Chops provide creative ways to beat pressure. Unlocking these techniques will boost your ability to retain possession and unlock defenses.

Make time to practice these essential dribbling skills for midfielders. Start slowly focusing on proper technique and coordination. Then increase speed and integrate the moves into dynamic drills.

Read More: 11 Essential Soccer Dribbling Drills for Wingers to Improve Their Skills 

Reference Video/Pictures:

Credit: 7mls Training 

Credit: 7mls Training 



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