dribbling strategy

Soccer players strive to master the art of dribbling. Tactical dribbling is the ability to maintain possession, beat defenders, and create attacking opportunities through smart dribbling techniques and decision-making. Equipping yourself with tactical dribbling strategies can help you optimize your dribbling skills and dominate the field.

Assess the Situation Before Dribbling

kelvin de bruyne scanning

The first key tactical dribbling strategy is to quickly scan the field to assess your options before making a dribbling attempt. Look around to see where your teammates are positioned and if any passing lanes are open. Identify where the defenders are standing and how much space is available to drive into. 

This split-second assessment allows you to process the field and determine the best dribbling option. You can decide to dribble straight on into space, dribble laterally across the field, hold up play, or combine with a teammate. Evaluating the situation first gives you valuable information to capitalize on.

Tactically scanning the field becomes second nature with practice. Make a habit of taking a quick look up and processing your surroundings before touching the ball. Use your superior field vision to make smarter dribbling decisions. This builds your soccer intelligence and enables you to maintain possession more often.

Use Different Parts of the Foot to Dribble

Mastering how to use all parts of your feet during dribbling gives you more options on the ball. The key parts of the foot to utilize when dribbling are:

  • Inside of the foot: Use for touches requiring precision and close control in tight spaces. The inside of the foot provides accuracy.
  • Outside of the foot: Ideal for bigger touches into space or changing direction. The outside of the foot generates power. 
  • Laces: Great for bursting into space and generating speed in your dribble. Strike the ball with your laces to propel it forward.
  • Bottom of the foot: Useful for gentler changes of direction and shielding the ball. The sole cradles and cushions the ball.
  • Toe poke: Quick delicate touches to keep the ball close using your toe pokes. Helpful in tight areas when needing frequent touches.

Varying the surface areas you use to dribble keeps defenders guessing. If you only use your laces, defenders will know to expect speed. Mixing up your touches with the inside, outside, sole, and toe poke makes you less predictable.

Practice dribbling drills using different foot surfaces. This strengthens your overall ball control and dexterity. Having the ability to dribble with any part of your foot gives you optimal manipulation of the ball to change direction suddenly, react quickly, and explode into space.

Incorporate Feints and Sudden Changes of Pace

lionel messi body fient

Implementing feints, tricks, and sudden changes of pace can help you beat defenders when dribbling. These moves disrupt the defender’s balance and anticipation, creating separation.

Some effective feints and moves to try when dribbling include:

  • Stepovers: Rapidly stepping over the ball fakes the defender out. Perform this with the outside or inside of your foot.
  • Shoulder/Body feints: Shifting your upper body one way and then dribbling the other catches defenders off guard. 
  • Cruyff turn: Using the inside of your foot, fake a pass or touch one way, then drag the ball back behind your standing leg in the opposite direction.
  • Stop and go: Slow down to Stop as if passing, then explosively accelerate again.
  • Nutmeg: Kick the ball through a defender’s legs then chase it down.

Changing pace suddenly during your dribble also throws off defenders. Go from jogging to a sprint instantly, then back to a jog once you get separation. These rapid bursts let you jet past opponents.

Practice your feints and pace changes in isolated drills and games. Good technique and timing are crucial. When combined with scanning the field and using all foot surfaces, your dribbling repertoire will rapidly expand.

Read More: 5 Effective Soccer Dribbling Techniques to Improve Ball Control

Use Your Body to Shield the Ball

eden hazard protecting ball

An important dribbling tactic to master is using your body to protect the ball from defenders. Shielding the ball keeps possession and allows you to hold up play. 

  • Keep your body positioned between the defender and the ball. Don’t allow gaps for the defender to poke through.
  • Lower your center of gravity by flexing your knees and hips. This secures you to shield more strongly.
  • Use your arm nearest the defender to feel their presence and ward them off.
  • Keep your arm furthest from the defender extended for balance and protection.
  • Shift your torso as the defender moves to constantly shield the ball. Don’t allow them access.
  • Rotate away or turn as pressure increases if you can’t hold off the defender.

Solid shielding form enables you to fend off defenders longer to maintain possession. Look to make short angled passes to teammates to capitalize once you draw pressure.

Work on body strength and balance when shielding in practice. Getting your technique down through repetition will make you a master at holding off and pivoting away from defenders. This allows you to dictate the pace of play.

Know When to Pass or Dribble

barca team passing

The final tactical dribbling strategy is recognizing when to pass instead of dribbling. Smart players know when to dribble at defenders or when passing is the better option.

Ask yourself these questions when deciding to dribble or pass:

  • Do I have passing options available? Are teammates open?
  • Is there space in front of me to dribble into? Or are defenders closing down lanes?
  • Does my teammate have a better shooting or crossing angle than me? 
  • Am I used out and less likely to beat my defender?
  • Is there a high risk of losing possession if I dribble?
  • If the answers favor passing, execute the pass. Don’t over-dribble if it kills attacking momentum.

Likewise, if you see the opportunity to beat your defender and generate a chance, do it. Back yourself. Just avoid being predictable.

Vary your dribbling with smart passing. This keeps the opponent guessing and boosts your versatility as a player. 


Tactical dribbling requires soccer intelligence, technique, deception, and decision-making. Mastering the strategies covered in this article will elevate your dribbling skills to dominate on the field.

Improving your tactical dribbling makes you incredibly hard to dispossess. You’ll be able to drive your team forward, create more scoring chances, and unlock defenses.

Implement these tips in your training sessions through isolated drills and small-sided games. Evaluating match footage can also help you identify areas to fine-tune. 

Read More: 7 Keys to Unlock Dribbling Mastery for Youth Soccer Players


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