The difference between good and great on the football pitch often comes down to one thing: ball control. 

The greats of the game – think Messi weaving through defenders or Ronaldo rifling off a volley – make even the most difficult ball-handling skills look effortless. 

But maintaining close control of the ball under pressure is no simple feat. It takes hours of dedicated training across a range of drills to develop the deft first touch, lightning-quick turns, and aerial prowess needed to dominate the ball.

In this article, we break down 3 essential drills for dramatically improving your ball control as a football player. 

 Drill #1: Basic Wall Passing:

A. Purpose

This drill develops a footballer’s close ball control and passing technique. Mastering various paces of passes, receiving returns cleanly, and adjusting body position are skills refined.

B. Detailed Instructions  

Stand facing a wall, roughly 10 feet away in an athletic-ready stance. 

Strike the ball with your instep towards the wall at a moderate pace. 

As it rebounds back, reposition your body behind its path. 

Receive the ball by withdrawing your foot on impact to cushion, keeping it close to your feet.

Gradually increase passing distance and speed. 

Lean your body further back to handle faster returns.

Take small retreating steps to collect harder passes. 

Keep your eyes on the ball, benyour ding knees to absorb force. 

C. Progressions & Variations

Once comfortable, aim to repeat passes alternating between left and right feet. 

Mix up the pace – take relaxed touches then ping firmer passes. 

Practice trapping retuthe rns using sole, inste,p, inside and outside of feet. 

D. Safety Considerations  

Ensure adequate space from rear walls or hazards before passing. 

Assess surface flatness – uneven ground risks shanked passes or unbalanced falls. 

Wear appropriate grip shoes and warm up calf muscles properly to enable safe explosive movements.  

E. Benefits & Application

Drill promotes constant adjustment of feet, torso, and head position to receive returns, readying the body for in-game passing sequences. 

Refinesfirst-touchh quality to cushion/control balls. 

Applicable for short exchanges in tight spaces.

 Drill #2:Control Turns :

A. Detailed Instructions  

Approach a wall at a 45-degree angle in a balanced, athletic stance about 10 feet out. 

Place a ball at your feet. Quickly shuffle sideways so your dominant foot is in line with the ball. 

Use instep to hit the middle of the ball to the wall, striking a firm pass that hits the wall and returns to you on the ground.  

As it comes back, align your body behind its path. 

Receive the ball by rapidly rotating hips and shoulders perpendicular to the wall.

Withdraw your dominant foot on impact to gently cushion while opening up. 

Accelerate in your new direction, maintaining control.

Over time, increase the speed of your passes. 

Receive returns by staying light on your feet – do not get flat-footed. 

Lean your body further back to handle faster rebounds. 

Repeat drills on both sides using the inside and outside of feet.

B. Progressions & Variations

Vary the angles and pace of passes. 

Mix slower rolls with rapid-fire wall strikes. 

Receive returns by faking one direction before sharply changing your point of exit. 

Maintain focus and body control despite deception. 

React quickly on impact.  

Visualize opponents closing space as you turn. 

Vary body feints and exit routes to lose imaginary defenders. 

Practice these realistic in-game moves at Mach speed.  

C. Safety Considerations   

Thoroughly check the playing surface before starting. 

Ensure adequate spacious clearance for practice at top speed. 

Use a properly inflated match ball with appropriate grip shoes. 

Stay alert to your surroundings when maneuvering at pace. 

D. Benefits & Application

Drill promotes receiving passes already on the half turn, enabling ultra quick changes of direction. 

Sharpens close control under pressure. 

Critical for beating defenders, and creating space in tight areas. Mimics wing play.

 Drill #3: Wall Juggling:

A. Detailed Instructions

Stand 3 yards from the wall in a ready position, gripping the appropriate ball. 

Toss the ball to the wall. 

As the ball falls back down, cushion its impact on top of your foot by withdrawing upon contact. 

Raise your foot smoothly upwards into the air, propelling the ball skyward. 

Time second touch so the ball strikes the wall at its peak height. 

Trap rebound on the thigh by pullthe ing leg back on contact. 

Flick the ball from the thigh to the wall, taking care not to catch it with your hand.

Attempt two further thigh/foot exchanges before needing to move feet. 

Transition smoothly out and back into a juggling pattern.

Over sessions, strike the ball harder to increase the height of bounces. 

Move progressively further from the wall and force yourself to cover more ground before contacting the ball. 

Remain lightyour  on feet with controlled touches.

B. Progressions & Variations  

Use alternate body parts in creative ways – bounce the ball off the shoulder or heel before controlling. 

Attempt multi-touch series: chest-shoulder-head. 

Incorporate tricks like crossovers. React quicker each time the ball comes to you. 

Challenge your personal record-high consecutive touches. Compete in pairs.

C. Safety Considerations  

Clear practice space before starting. 

Ensure ball inflation pressure suits rebound height off surfaces. 

Cushion body well on receptions, withdrawing contact points to soften the impact. 

Wear protective equipment if early learning. 

Stay motivated but listen for fatigue to avoid muscle strain. 

D. Benefits & Application

Drill promotes spatial awareness, responsiveness, and full body control. 

Enhances aerial coordination relevant for heading duels. 

Fosters creativity and confidence striking/receiving passes in unconventional ways – translating directly to dazzling midfield play.

To Conclude:

Whether you are a beginner to start, a youth player hoping to make the school team, or a seasoned veteran striving to reach the next level, mastering ball control should be a key training priority. 

The three drills outlined require minimal equipment – just yourself, a ball, a flat wall, and intrinsic motivation to succeed. 

Committing to just 10-15 minutes of dedicated practice per session will ensure steady progress over time.

Within a few weeks, you are bound to notice improvements in your first touch, turning maneuvers, aerial dexterity and overall response times to match situations. 

Ball control prowess unlocks more assured play across all positions, greater flair to unlock defenses, and the satisfaction of bringing crowds to their feet. 

Why wait to work on the very fundamentals that could set your game apart? Grab your ball and hit the nearest wall – your goal-scoring future self will thank you.


3 Drills to improve ball control 

Author:  AllAttack

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