soccer drills for beginners

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. With its global reach and mass appeal, more and more beginners are looking to pick up a soccer ball and join the beautiful game. However, in order to develop the skills needed to play soccer effectively, it is crucial to start with the fundamentals. Learning the basics early on will provide you with a solid foundation that you can build upon as you progress to higher levels of play.

In this comprehensive guide, we outline some of the core soccer drills that every beginner should focus on mastering. Consistently practicing these essential skills will quickly get you up to speed with controlling the ball, dribbling, passing and more. We’ll also provide helpful tips to accelerate your learning as a new player.

Why Learning Soccer Fundamentals is Crucial

When you first start playing soccer, it can be tempting to try and skip ahead to learn flashy dribbling skills and fancy footwork. However, soccer fundamentals are the building blocks of the game. Taking the time to develop these core abilities early on will pay huge benefits. Here’s why honing the basics is so important:

  • It prevents bad habits from forming. If you try to advance too quickly, you are likely to develop poor technique that will hold you back later on. Mastering soccer basics ensures you learn proper form from the start.
  • It builds coordination and ball control. Fundamentals like juggling, dribbling, and passing drills develop your touch and feel for the ball through repetition. This agility is crucial for soccer players.
  • It sets you up for success. By taking the time to develop core skills, they will become second nature. This allows you to focus on more advanced tactics when you are ready. A strong foundation is key.

Simply put, soccer fundamentals provide the core competencies needed to play the game effectively. They may not be flashy, but they are absolutely vital for beginners looking to improve. Staying committed to honing the basics will ensure you develop well-rounded skills and prevent bad habits from failing your progress.

Top Soccer Drills Every Beginner Should Master

Now that you understand the importance of learning fundamentals, let’s go over some of the best soccer drills for beginners to focus on. Mastering these core skills and techniques will get you off on the right foot as you start your soccer journey:


Juggling a soccer ball is one of the best drills for improving overall ball control and touch. Start by tossing the ball down to one foot and popping it back up to your hands. When this becomes comfortable, try popping the ball up from foot to foot. More advanced jugglers can incorporate their thigh, shoulder and head.  


  • Enhances feel for the ball
  • Sharpens coordination and reactions
  • Boosts confidence handling the ball


  • Use quality balls that rebound well 
  • Start slow and focus on technique
  • Keep knees bent and on balls of feet

Dribbling In A Straight Line

Set up two cones or poles roughly 20-30 yards apart. Dribble the ball from one cone to the other, maintaining control and using the outside of your foot. Go slowly at first, then increase speed while preserving control.


  • Develops close ball control while moving
  • Teaches proper dribbling technique
  • Improves ability to change speeds with the ball


  • Keep ball close and head up
  • Use both feet
  • Don’t sacrifice control for speed

Toe Touches 

This simple ball mastery drill involves lightly tapping the top of the ball with your toes while standing in place. Keep your knees bent and stay on the balls of your feet as you gently touch the ball from one foot to the other. Start off slowly and increase speed as you get more comfortable.


  • Sharpens feel for the ball on your feet
  • Develops smooth, controlled touches  
  • Improves coordination and footwork


  • Maintain balance during rapid touches
  • Keep ankle locked and toe pointing down
  • Perform drill moving both forward and backward

Inside Taps/Bell Taps

Similar to toe taps, this drill involves tapping the ball between your feet on the inside of each foot. Shift your weight between feet as you gently tap the ball in a steady rhythm. Increase speed while maintaining control and balance.


  • Hones close control and soft touches
  • Develops skill moving ball between feet
  • Enhances coordination and reaction time


  • Keep knees bent and balance centered
  • Move feet to ball, not reaching with toes
  • Perform drill with both dominant and weak foot


This multi-step, coordinated drill develops more advanced ball mastery. Using one foot, gently drag the ball back. Using the other foot, push the ball forward. Finally, push the ball out wide with the outside of your foot. Repeat this triangular pattern, then switch lead feet.


  • Challenges coordination skills  
  • Promotes use of both feet
  • Enhances ball control with various surfaces 


  • Perform drill at varying speeds
  • Keep loose grip on ball using top of foot
  • Maintain balance and body control throughout

Two-Touch Passing

Pass the soccer ball against a wall from about 5-10 yards away. Control the rebound with your first touch, then pass it back to the wall with your second touch. Vary your passing foot and surface – inside, outside, laces.


  • Develops crisp, accurate passing technique
  • Promotes proper first touch and ball control
  • Provides repetitive passing practice 


  • Focus on proper passing form  
  • Work on both dominant and non-dominant foot
  • Increase speed and power over time

Cone Dribbling Drills

Set up a line of cones, poles or other markers roughly 2-3 yards apart. Dribble the ball in different patterns weaving through the cones – side to side, inside-outside touches, change of speed, etc.


  • Challenges close control dribbling in tight spaces   
  • Develops coordination changing direction
  • Promotes use of different foot surfaces  


  • Keep head up and ball close throughout drill 
  • Increase speed and complexity over time
  • Vary foot use, direction changes and moves

Brazilian Box

Set up a small square with four cones roughly 2 yards apart. Dribble around the box, taking quick light touches between cones. Every few touches, knock the ball out wider requiring an extended touch to catch up.  


  • Develops ability to change pace dribbling
  • Links short precise touches with longer stretches
  • Promotes comfort dribbling in tight spaces 


  • Maintain control throughout extended touches
  • Keep knees bent and eyes up
  • Alternate dominant and weaker foot

Passing Square Drill

Set up a square with cones roughly 10 yards apart. Position 2 players opposite each other on the square. Players pass the ball between each other, working around the square clockwise. Focus on accurate passing with proper weight and technique.


  • Develops passing accuracy and technique
  • Promotes communication and teamwork 
  • Provides live passing practice under pressure


  • Time passes to lead teammate, not just feet
  • Scan field before receiving passes  
  • Increase speed and distance as skills improve

Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

While learning the fundamentals, there are some common mistakes beginners should be aware of:

  • Attempting skills too advanced too soon: Focus on mastering basics before moving to flashy moves.
  • Poor first touch: Take your time controlling the ball before dribbling or passing.
  • Prioritizing speed over control: Don’t rush through drills. Quality repetitions are more important. 
  • Neglecting weak foot: Drill skills with both feet, not just dominant foot.

By being aware of these pitfalls, you can actively avoid them and ingrain proper technique from the start.

Expert Tips for Soccer Beginners

Here are some key tips to accelerate your skills as a new soccer player:

  • Practice fundamental drills daily: Frequent repetition develops muscle memory.
  • Train coordination skills like balance and agility: This agility translates onto the pitch.
  • Master control before picking up speed: You can’t run before you walk.
  • Use quality balls and equipment: Investing in proper gear facilitates development. 
  • Record yourself to spot areas for improvement: Video doesn’t lie. Review your progress.

Sticking to the basics and applying these expert tips will quickly get your skills up to speed. Before you know it, you’ll have the fundamentals on lock. Now get out there and keep practicing!

In conclusion

Mastering fundamental soccer skills early on provides a strong base to build upon. Drills like juggling, dribbling, passing, and ball mastery ingrain muscle memory through repetition. Avoid common beginner pitfalls like sacrificing control and neglecting your weak foot. Stick to the basics, be patient with yourself, and implement the expert tips provided here. With regular, quality practice of these core drills, you will quickly get up to speed with controlling, moving with, and passing the ball. Keep at it, and you’ll be dominating the pitch in no time!


Credit: SimpleSoccer youtube


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Read More: 5 Training Drills to Master Playing Under Pressure in Soccer


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