mater football control

If you’re new to soccer, gaining control over the ball can seem like an impossible task. The ball moves fast and can take unexpected bounces. Learning how to tame it and make it bend to your will is essential for any soccer player. Mastering ball control allows you to maintain possession, dictate play, and unlock your potential on the pitch. With focused practice and persistence, developing a quality first touch and close control of the soccer ball is achievable for players of all levels. This complete guide breaks down the key drills, tips, and strategies to take your ball control to the next level. With improved touch, your confidence and creativity with the ball will flourish. Let’s begin the journey toward soccer mastery together!

Why is Ball Control Important in Soccer?

Ball control is one of the most foundational soccer skills for players of all levels. Here’s why it’s so vital:

  • Controlling the ball allows you to keep possession and progress play up the field. Players with poor touch often lose the ball and have to chase the other team.
  • A good touch gives you more time and options on the ball. You can survey the field and pick your pass rather than hurriedly giving it away.
  • Masterful control allows you to change direction quickly to beat defenders. Close control gives you the agility to maneuver in tight spaces.
  • It builds confidence and creativity. With the ball at your command, you can attempt skills moves, combinations, and shots on goal.
  • All great soccer players, from Messi to Marta, boast immaculate ball control. It’s a fundamental skill that unlocks the rest of your game.
cristiano ball control

Developing a quality first touch and close control should be a priority for any promising soccer player.

10 Ways to Improve Your Ball Control

Developing top-class ball control doesn’t happen overnight. But with regular, focused training, beginners can make massive strides. Here are 10 methods to help enhance your touch on the ball:

  1. Juggle the ball: Juggling improves feel, touch, and control. Start with your feet, thighs, and head. See how many reps you can achieve in a row. 
  1. Practice with both feet: Work on your weak foot as much as your strong. All-around ball control develops from two-footed training.
  1. Vary your first touch: Use different surfaces like the laces, inside, outside, and sole. Control the ball from rolling, bouncing, and aerial passes.
  1. Try familiarity drills: Toe taps, inside/outside rolls, drag backs. Master all the ways to maneuver the ball.
  1. Weave through cones: Set up a tight course and dribble through cones using close control and turns.
  1. Attempt manipulation challenges: Bounce the ball high, around cones, between feet. Expand your ball repertoire. 
  1. Master receiving and cushioning: Work on controlling aerial passes softly to kill the pace.
  1. Play small-sided games: Tight spaces force constant close control and turn.
  1. Focus on your first touch: Strive to control and prepare the ball in one fluid motion. 
  1. Practice briefly, and frequently: Daily 15-20 minute technical sessions help develop muscle memory.
lionel messi ball control

With dedicated training and continually challenging yourself, your ball control and first touch can reach new heights. 

Read More: Take Your Dribbling to the Next Level: The Ultimate Guide to Agility Training

How to Continuously Improve Your Ball Control  

Developing masterful ball control requires patience and perseverance. But sustaining your progression is achievable with the right habits:

  • Train with a ball often: Integrate ball manipulation into your warmups. Juggling and practicing touches.
  • Set targets and challenges: Add competition to your training. See how many juggles or toe taps you can complete. 
  • Focus on problem areas: Don’t ignore a weak foot. Tailor drills to enhance inadequate sides. 
  • Watch the pros: Notice how top players gently soft touch the ball with all surfaces. Copy their style.
  • Maintain core strength: Abs, obliques, and back provide balance critical for close control. 
  • Don’t neglect fitness: Speed, agility, and stamina allow you to operate with the ball.
  • Play futsal: The indoor small-sided game forces constant manipulation in tight spaces.

With measured training, self-analysis, and role models to inspire, your first touch can continue to evolve. 

Ball Control Drills to Try at Home

Lack of access to a field shouldn’t inhibit your progression. Here are ball manipulation drills to sharpen your touch at home:

  • Juggling: The classic solo drill to enhance the feel. See how many consecutive reps you can achieve. 
  • Inside/outside rolls: Roll the ball side to side under your sole. Work on accuracy and speed.
  • Toe taps: Lightly tap the top of a stationary ball. Move your feet as quickly as possible.
  • Different surfaces: Roll the ball back and forth using various parts of your feet.
  • Soccer Tennis: Volley against a wall working on your touch.
  • Body manipulations: Thigh, chest, and head traps. Control balls out of the air using your body.
  • Obstacle courses: Set up cones and weave through them with the ball under control.
neymar ball control

With a little creativity and space, you can mimic aspects of your on-pitch training at home. Ball mastery drills ingrain muscle memory over time.

Final Tips for Mastering Ball Control

Developing world-class ball control doesn’t happen overnight, but beginners can make massive improvements with dedicated training. Here are some final tips:

  • Relax your body: Tensing up inhibits your touch. Keep loose to gently cushion the ball.
  • Arms out for balance: Extend your arms to maintain balance during close control.  
  • Read the ball early: Scan passes as they travel to meet them best possible. 
  • Eyes on the ball: Keep focus through the entire reception and touch. 
  • Low center of gravity: Bend knees and center over the ball to absorb contact.
  • Patience!: Smooth touch develops over months and years of practice. Stick with it.
  • Believe in yourself: Confidence breeds success. Imagine yourself with the ball on a string.

With the right mindset and training techniques, your ball mastery can reach new heights. So grab a ball, head to the practice pitch, and take your control to the next level!

Read More: 7 Advanced Dribbling Drills to Take Your Ball Control to the Next Level


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