Playing under pressure is a constant in soccer, especially if you play positions like striker, center mid, or attacking mid. Defenders will be breathing down your neck, making it difficult to turn and progress play upfield. The pressure can be suffocating, both mentally and physically. 

But the great players know how to handle that pressure and break free from defenders. They’ve mastered the art of creating space for themselves by dropping deep, opening up wide, and sprinting into gaps to receive passes. Playing under pressure separates the good players from the truly elite. 

We’ll look at five training drills you can use to improve playing under pressure. Mastering these drills will give you the skills and confidence to shine when the pressure is on.

Learn to Create Space and Receive Away from Pressure

The key to beating a high pressure defense is to find and exploit the open space on the field. Before receiving a pass, make a sharp sprint or checking run to create separation from your marker. Call for the ball as you’re making your run so your teammate can time the pass perfectly.

Set up a simple box shape with four cones. Make checking runs from cone to cone, calling for the ball and receiving passes on the move. Maintain speed and change direction quickly to lose your defender. You can even have a friend or coach apply light pressure as you receive the passes. 

This drill teaches you to recognize open space and accelerate into it before the defense can react. Playing quick one-touch passes on the move helps sharpen your first touch and comfort receiving under pressure.

Practice Drills to Improve Playing Under Pressure

Once you can receive passes in space, it’s time to add more realistic pressure. Have a partner defend you tightly from behind as you receive passes inside the box shape. Focus on using your body to shield the ball and make quick turns or explosive bursts if they lunge for a tackle.

Vary your movements – sometimes check or sprint for a pass in space. Other times come meet the ball and try to turn your defender. Playing unpredictably keeps the defender guessing and prevents them from getting too tight or aggressive.

This drill prepares you for the physical and mental demands of receiving passes with a defender on your back. Maintaining composure and focus under this pressure separates composed players from those who panic.

Playing Under Pressure is a Team Effort 

Beating pressure is not just about creating space for yourself. It also means opening up passing lanes for your teammates. Scan the field as you check into space and look for clues – where is the open man? Who can you link up with once you receive the ball? 

Smart off-ball runs drag defenders out of position and give your teammates more time and space on the ball. Moving into gaps and half-spaces gives them options to pass forward out of pressure. 

If you don’t think you can handle central pressure, talk to your coach about playing on the wing or as a defensive midfielder instead. Knowing your strengths and limitations helps the team shape and tactics.

Be Patient and Keep Possession Under Pressure

As a striker or forward, your job is to hold up play and bring your midfielders into the game when under pressure. Resist the need to force low percentage shots or risky passes. Instead, focus on controlling the ball with your first touch, shielding it from defenders, and playing simple layoff passes.

Midfielders need to be comfortable turning out of trouble and playing forward to beat the pressure. Don’t just play sideways or negative all the time – this slows play down. But don’t try to do too much by yourself either. Keeping possession under pressure requires patience, composure, and teamwork.

Improve Your First Touch and Body Control

Having a perfect first touch is required for playing out of tight spaces and pressure. A great first touch instantly controls the ball and sets you up to turn, shoot, or pass. Poor technique leads to heavy touches that put you under more pressure.

Practice controlling tough passes from teammates that stretch your first touch. Let the balls run across your body and knock them into open space in one fluid motion. Work on cushioning passes with the inside and outside of your foot. Using your laces provides more protection from defenders.

Strong body position also helps shield the ball from challenges. Low center of gravity, bent knees, and arms out for balance make it hard for defenders to muscle you off the ball.

Stay Confident and Composed Under Pressure

Even with perfect technique and positioning, playing under relentless pressure can frustrate anyone. You’ll miscontrol touches and get dispossessed at times. The key is maintaining belief in yourself and staying focused on your role.

Embrace the pressure as a chance to grow. The more experience you get emerging from tight spaces, the more natural it will become. Pressure training prepares you for the intensity of real games. Master it in practice, and pressure situations won’t faze you under the bright lights.


Learning to play under pressure is critical to reach your full potential as a soccer player. The right drills teach you to find and exploit space, maintain composure, and keep possession under tight marking. Sharpening your first touch and close control gives you the tools to beat defenders 1v1.

With targeted, game-like practice, playing under pressure becomes second nature. Pressure brings out the best in great players. Use these drills to master the mental and physical demands of playing in traffic. Apply that skill in games, and you’ll stand out from the rest.

Read More: 7 Keys to Staying Cool Under Pressure in Soccer Matches


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